This month is dedicated to all the Mothers and what a wonderful time to introduce to you ALMA's Skin Tightening and its benefits.
How many Mothers out there have stretch marks and flabby skin after giving birth?
Have lost weight had found sagging skin where the weight use to be?
Would love to tighten the skin around the jaw and neck that has gone south with time and age?
Its time to get your body back, and with Skin Tightening Infrared Laser, its possible.
1. Skin Tightening Facial - Laser Infusion includes a Cameo Facial which includes NIR Skin Tightening Laser with high quality collagen. Gives your skin a lift without surgery - Value $150.00
Recommend 3 treatments every two weeks - BUY all three for $120.00 per treatment
In addition for Mothers Day receive the 3rd Treatment for $60.00
2. Receive 25% off skin tightening for all other area's example:
Abdomen = $200.00 for three treatments less 25% so you only pay $150.00 ($50.00 a treatment)
Other areas are available.
Phone to schedule a consultation / appointment 604 466 0078